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Terror in the Midnight Sun (1959 monster film) John Carradine, Barbara Wilson | USA version

Can earth stop the savage onslaught of beast-men from space? Aliens release a furry critter in the w ...View More

Biggles: Adventures in Time 1986 (Sci-Fi, War) The Ultimate Weapon. The Ultimate Hero.

Meet Jim Ferguson. He lived a daring double-life with one foot in the 20th century and the other in  ...View More

It's Alive! (1969, Horror) Tommy Kirk, Shirley Bonne, Bill Thurman | Movie

Trapped In a Cave of Terror! A loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his la ...View More

The Disappearance of Flight 412 (1974, Mystery film) UFO sighting is real, Flight 412 found it

Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experie ...View More

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